Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Monthly Archives: April 2003

There is a problem with both wanting to be a writer and wanting to be somebody who Does Things. The first is someone who makes up worlds for others to play in, and with a little luck is rewarded somewhat decently and helps others make new versions of those worlds in other media. The latter […]


A quick note to wish the one, the only, the fabulous queen of Mirrorville, Heather Champ a very wonderful birthday. You blaze trails with elegance, integrity and style. Cheers.


After having bounced around the Midwest for the better part of a week, I spent today doing nothing. Well, I actually did a great deal, for all the more I’d intended to do nothing. But that’s sort of how it goes on most nothing days, I’ve found. For the vast majority of the day, I […]


Dang it. I had this great vision of sitting on the floor of the living room here in my parents’ house tomorrow, watching TV and hammering on web projects. Then I remembered that this house has neither AirPort, TiVo or a DVD player. Rats. Hmm. I wonder where I can find fifty feet of phone […]


If things get screwy around here tomorrow (Saturday), don’t panic. I’m planning on trying something. Mwa ha ha.


Wow. I go away for a week and suddenly the “weblogging industry” gets all hyper: Ben and Mena not only hired Anil, but they made a bunch of other announcements too. Their new product, TypePad, might just be a Blogger-killer. A hosted, turnkey Movable Type installation? Cool.


According to this SpyMac story, Apple is working on an accounting application. This is the best news I’ve heard all day. C’mon, baby, sync with my bank account! Publish client invoice histories and billing statements to extranet sites! Tell Intuit just where it can stick its horrible, lousy, mindbendingly bad products! Mmmm. iWork. Mmmm.


I know it probably won’t show up in it, but aside from the other things I’ve wished the iPod could feature (Bluetooth, FM tuner, Rendezvous, 802.11g, phone, etc.), it would be really nice if the iPod could record. Imagine, a little line in audio port, the input converts to MP3 on the fly… It’s be […]


So my new personal site has been public for less than a week and I’m already casting a skeptical eye at its homepage. I need a place where I can post news, or little “recently added to the portfolio” blurbs, or “current projects include” bits. The advantages of publishing a weblog on that site’s homepage […]


So for a small myriad of reasons, it looks like I will not be able to attend next week’s Emergent Technology Conference after all. Bugger. If anyone in the San Francisco area would care to cover it in my absence, please let me know.
