Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Monthly Archives: January 2004

Car trouble sucks. Especially when you pride yourself on being something of a computer dork, and the problem has something to do with the car’s computer, and you can’t get in there to debug it. Arrrrgh.


Over at Michael Chabon’s website, there’s a nice essay about how he spent five years on a novel called Fountain City, which never materialized. This sounds like me right now. Like, a lot. The lesson I’m taking away from this is a reassurance that good stories tell themselves, and if the two novels I have […]


So everybody’s all abuzz about the news that Pixar and Disney are splitting up. What’s my opinion? I think that it’s kind of sad, really, for everyone involved. Both Pixar and Disney are going to be hurt by this in some way, shape or form – but I suspect that Disney’s going to really take […]


There are very few things in the world that I hate. I mean really and truly hate. Macromedia Flash is one of them. Big project I was working on before? Flash can no longer open the project file. It simply shrugs and says, “Failed to open the file.” Son of a…!


According to the New York Times, Bush Is Said to Seek More Money for Arts. Somewhere far below, the Devil is putting on another sweater.


Hey, everybody — if you swing by the iTunes Music Store and look under Spoken Word, the Fray Cafe 3 CD is now on sale. I’m the last track, with my story “Band Scars”. Check it out!


Hey, everybody – our own William R. Coughlan is participating in this tournament thingie for blogger called BlogMadness 2003: get over there and throw him some love!


Neat. Nice to see sci-fi is becoming real, genuine fodder for the indie scene: Wired News: Sci-Fi Is a Splash at Sundance.


Another little project brought to the ready-for-public-consumption stage: Kate McClanaghan Voiceover. Requires Flash.


So I’ve been working my tail off here for the last week, which explains the sort of intermittent posts that have been being tossed up here. And then, about three o’clock this afternoon, I realized that I’ve got almost all of my paying clients to the waiting-on-them-for-something stage. It’s like running full-tilt through a jungle, […]
