Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Monthly Archives: June 2004

On a completely different note, tonight I was fiddling around with this design that I’d put together and my client had pretty much already accepted. I’d found some stock photos, picked out some colors, and had started to merge those into the design, but I was feeling sort of meh about the whole thing. I’d […]


I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the idea of virtues, and what it means to be a good man. Living in Chicago in a fairly multicultural neighborhood is a new and fascinating experience, which makes me feel more reconnected to what it means to be an American, as opposed to the fiercely partisan life […]


For all the times we see horrible, horrible things go and ask ourselves that age-old philosophical chestnut, “Why would a loving God permit something like this to happen?”, we should remember stories like this: Puppy prevents Canadian killing spree.


As I’m typing this, a can of Campbell’s chunky clam chowder is having its molecules vibrated in a tiny little box in the kitchen. As I was pouring it into the bowl, I was struck by the way it glopped out of the can – with almost the exact same sound and shape as a […]


Exhausted from all the hullaballoo over Wilco’s new album? I’ve posted two new pieces over to my new music section at geoffreylong.com. There’s one all-instrumental piece (which starts out rough and gets better as it goes along) called “Secretly” and one combo spoken-word song called “God and Ducks”. The latter has some serious microphone issues. […]


So Talon and I just added the coolest thing to our apartment – an enormous not-a-beanbag chair called a “LoveSac”. The jokes have been flying fast and furious, believe me, but this sucker fulfills a dream I’ve had for years of getting a beanbag chair big enough to really sink into, the way I used […]


It’s been an insanely productive week. If I can give one more push here today and maybe some this weekend, I stand a good chance of being finally on top of my to-do list, which is unthinkable. Well, you know, the short-term to-do list. I still have The Master Plan which has a ton of […]


Am having one of those days where I’m working like mad fury to get a couple things out the door, juggling some new potential clients, and keeping a skeptical eye on the bottom line. A good work day, in other words. However, for some reason I am also feeling unsatisfied with my chops as a […]


For your viewing pleasure (and my ego), a sampling of the freelance work I’ve been doing lately: twenty-seven of my favorite collaborations between The Dreamsbay Company and Sound Advice. Check out the middle one in the second row: it never produces the same two patterns of dots twice, my first venture into ActionScript programming. Warning: […]


So Jesica has a theater troupe who just got another great review. You go, girl. I’m so proud of you!
