Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Monthly Archives: January 2005

Anybody else remember that Wired cover story a few years ago with an Apple logo sporting a crown of thorns and the caption, “Pray”? Well, Salon.com suggests that maybe The Big Guy was listening after all: Hallelujah, the Mac is back.


I figured since things have been quiet as a tomb around here lately, I’d let you all in on what I’ve been up to. In addition to my usual client work, I’ve been hammering on a bunch of things – some of which are big, some are small, and others are totally irrelevant. World of […]


I’m having a “what the heck have I done” moment. The skies opened up last night and dumped 10 inches of snow on Chicago in less than 12 hours. When I look out the window right now, it’s white – and I don’t know if that’s new snow falling or just old snow being whipped […]


If it’s true that Fyodor Nesterchuk hasn’t slept in 20 years with no negative repurcussions, man, there’s a serious opportunity for a breakthrough here. C’mon, you med students, hop to it!


OK, check this out. According to the BBC, a 20-year-old American is auctioning off advertising space on his forehead on eBay. For 30 days, the winning bidder will have their slogan, tattoo or whatever tattooed on his forehead. Bids are currently up to about $350 or so at last checking, so there’s a very real […]


So Kevin sold me on “In Good Company” with only a few words, and then seeing the trailer cinched the deal. I’m so there.


Wow, I can’t leave you guys alone for a minute. I took two days off from being online and Six Apart does indeed acquire LiveJournal (with a press release, a FAQ, a professional network introduction, and, of course, numerous weblog posts), Bill Gates calls those of us in the Creative Commons camp communists and the […]


My friend Tina does some seriously cool Photoshop work, as evidenced by her new piece, “The Pigs Go Visiting in the City“, which she’s just posted on Flickr. Creepy, to be sure, but definitely cool nevertheless.


I can already tell that my future kitchen will be decorated in art from various coffeehouses I’ve visited across the country. This piece from Metropolis Coffee in Chicago will certainly make the list, if I can get in there before they all sell out. Update. I’ve been to Metropolis several times now, and I’ve got […]


So Om Malik has posted a report that Om Malik on Broadband » Six Apart is going to buy Live Journal, and the whole blogosphere is afire with the news. What gets me is that I don’t really see the point – if 6A gobbles up the LJ community, the only major advantage I can […]
