Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Monthly Archives: June 2007

Today I started out kind of excited but also kind of ambivalent. Really, how cool could the iPhone possibly be? Now, after only one day’s worth of playing with it, I’m convinced, Laura’s convinced… This thing is amazing! It’s about half the thickness of my Treo and easily ten times as powerful, not to mention […]


Man, posting to my blog using my iPhone is going to take some getting used to! The keyboard is definitely easier to use when it’s horizontal but it’s still tricky as all get out!


So somehow this has managed to be my week on the web. For the interested, there’s a four-part “exit interview” with me over at the Official C3 Weblog (1, 2, 3, 4), a very cool shout-out from my friend and fellow media scholarly-type Robert Kozinets over at his blog Brandthroposophy, and finally a two-part (at […]


If you’re waiting to hear back from me about something, stay tuned. I’m currently waging war against an overflowing inbox. When I started the evening, I had 170 actionable personal, non-work related emails in my inbox. Nearly five hours and a 2700-word essay later, I’m down to 84 79. Progress! Slow, painful progress, but progress! […]


Some kind words from my friend and boss. I share almost 100% of his sentiments – my only divergence might be the circus music. For my part, I am learning the joy of the Chemical Brothers in my headphones. But seriously – at what other job can you host a comics artist one day, literally […]


Oh, man… Ever wonder what working at Google was really, really like?


Dramatic chipmunk. Best five-second film on the Internet, indeed. Screenwriters for Bay’s Transformers writing Star Trek. Not sure this is good news. Brad Bird considering The Incredibles 2. Sweeeeeeet. Fossil + Starck Palindrome watch. Very, very pretty. Wall-E. The first trailer for Pixar’s next appears! Mocking Surface. “Your next PC will be a big-ass table.” […]


Gotta close some tabs, as my machine is slower than dirt… Savion Glover hates festivals. Guess he’s leaving the noise and funk outside. New focus on a forlorn Cleveland tower. Cleveland needs architects! MIT School of Architecture + Planning. Cool site. MOCCA Art Festival 2007: June 23-24, NYC. I wanna go… Michael Philips on Saul […]


Wired: Steam-Driven Dreams. The pieces by Halleux are amazing. stephanehalleux.com. More on the artist. Outdoor rooms. *adds to future-home notebook* Wired: Homestarrunner forsakes TV to stay true to web. Gutsy or dumb, you decide. WETA Workshop Mini-ManMelter at SDCC. Awww, I wanna go. The Batpod. Saywhatnow? Interactive art at the Toronto Sheraton. Check out the […]


So, for those of you who have been wondering what I’ve been alluding to for the last couple of weeks or so, methinks it’s time to finally let the cat out of the bag. I’ve been offered, and accepted, the position of Communications Director for the MIT Comparative Media Studies program and the Singapore-MIT GAMBIT […]
