Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Monthly Archives: September 2007

The day that the whole thing started, Marion Brody was shuffling her way towards the bus stop in her usual helter-skelter fashion, wrapped from head to toe in the clothes of the dead. The first line to a short story that popped into my head last night…


I’ve just finished up an, ahem, ambitious project at work, which means that I’ve finally had a chance to catch up on the news from the past week, some good, some bad, and some just interesting. On a personal front, I’m thoroughly excited because they’ve just opened up both a Cosi and a Sebastian’s within […]


P=R=O=G=R=A=M=M=A=T=O=L=O=G=Y. E-poet Cayley is coming to MIT this fall. The Majestic Documents. ‘Majestic’ is apparently the US UFO program. Three Rings’ nautical office. Looks like an awesome place. Because We Can. The geniuses responsible for said office. NYT: No Thanks, Mr. Nabokov. Great rejection blunders in publication history. The Anime Bento Festival. FMA on the […]
