Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Monthly Archives: March 2009

Okay, so I’m having a little bit of a strange crisis at the moment. I’ve noticed lately that Remiel, my 2006-era MacBook Pro, has been slo-o-o-o-owing do-o-o-own. The spinny pinwheel of death has been appearing more and more frequently, and the poor little guy just ain’t what he used to be. Loading my email takes […]


I’ve returned from CONATHON09 and am now playing some serious catch-up. If I owe you an email, hopefully you’ll hear from me by Friday, if not sooner. I’m also hoping to get a bunch of new photos up onto Flickr and the rest of my videoblog entries up onto here, hopefully before my hard drive […]


Well, damn. My attempts at videoblogging have been temporarily paused due to an unforeseen circumstance: a shortage of hard drive space on my laptop. Once I land in San Francisco and drop my stuff off at the hotel, I may go searching for an el cheapo Flash drive or card to offload some of these […]


A brief interlude (hence the XX in the title) to say that my talk at Pictoplasma this afternoon went smashingly well, although I was up until 4AM last night reworking my slides into a fairly heavily reworked edition. A 25MB .zip file of the Keynote slides and PDF of said new edition is now available […]


In which our hero wraps up his sightseeing for the day with a somber visit to the monument to the Berlin Wall.


In which our hero arrives at Museum Island, and finds himself entranced by Marienkirche (St. Marion’s Cathedral). (Laura take note – this one has some serious shakycam action going on. Be warned…)


In which our hero visits the infamous Bebelplatz, where the bookburnings were held under Hitler, and discovers the monument that remains.


In which our hero marvels at the amazing architecture of the Galleries Lafayette, a little slice of Paris in Berlin.


In which our hero sends a shout out to his Dad when he finds a mall for cars in downtown Berlin.


In which our hero admits that yes, he is a tourist.
