Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Monthly Archives: May 2009

For a while now I’ve been kicking around the idea of how best to aggregate the writing I’ve been doing in various places. It seems sort of obnoxious (not to mention inefficient) to make a short “check out my new blog entry” cross-posting here every time I post something relevant to the other places I […]


On April 4, 2009, the New York Times ran a piece by Brad Stone called “Is This the Future of the Digital Book?“. In it, Stone writes: Bradley Inman wants to create great fiction, dramatic online video and compelling Twitter stream — and then roll them all into a multimedia hybrid that is tailored to […]


If you’re in the Boston area and are a friend of GAMBIT, Comparative Media Studies or GAMBIT Co-PI and CMS Co-Director Henry Jenkins, you’re invited to come help send Henry off to USC in style. From 6-8 PM on June 16th at the new Microsoft Cambridge offices, the MIT Enterprise Forum New England Games and […]


Ivory Tower Defense. Brenda Braithwaite examines the academic-industry divide plaguing game studies in The Escapist. Frank Lloyd Wright LEGO sets. Oh, hells yes. Tangible Embedded and Embodied Interaction ’10. Nifty conference coming up next year. 10 most puzzling ancient artifacts. I see my next 10 novels. Reforming Graduate Education. Jonathan Pfeiffer nails it.


Sherlock Holmes trailer. Christmas!? Nicholas Basbane’s library. Architecturally so-so, but look at ’em all! Q&A with Dave Grossman. The creative director at Telltale Games shares some more insight into writing for episodic games. John Cawelti on Firefly. “…The partnership between Mal and Zoë echoes the buddy relationship in countless Westerns — they are a unisexual […]


Yesterday I had an amazing meeting with several of my friends and coworkers to discuss a new possible project coming down the pike, and although I can’t tell you what that project is yet, it wound up triggering some intense late-night thinking. How do robots tell stories? We’ve all seen robots as characters – C-3PO […]


This is going to be a very interstitial summer, so it appears - the call has gone out for any interstitial artists interested in making wearable art and donating it to the auction to support the Interstitial Arts Foundation‘s upcoming anthology Interfictions 2. This could be a very, very cool thing, both for would-be makers and […]


I’m looking into a way to automate this using Delicious, but for the moment my copy of Safari is slowing down to a crawl and I need to close some tabs, so… Sherlock Holmes, obsessed nerds, and fan fiction. Ksenia and I got into a great conversation about Sherlockians a few weeks ago. Scott’s ultimate […]


I woke up this morning with an odd thought in my head: is it better to be learning or learned? Traditionally, scholars and experts are considered to be learned individuals, people who are, in short, paid to know. Yet once you reach a certain level, it becomes rapidly clear that to remain a professional, you […]


I’d totally be attending P. Craig Russell’s appearance tonight at OSU’s Wexner Center. Here’s the description of the event from the site: Wayne Alan Harold and P. Craig Russell introduce Night Music: The Art of P. Craig Russell Night Music provides an illuminating behind-the-scenes look at one of the most acclaimed and interesting comic book […]
