Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Monthly Archives: January 2014

The Immortal Augustus Gladstone – Trailer from ZOO BREAK GUN CLUB L.L.C. on Vimeo. Awesome-looking new movie from Robyn Miller (of MYST fame) and BOING BOING, released as VOD on Vimeo, purchasable directly through embedded trailers like the one above. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I love the future.


Rabbit rabbit! Happy New Year, everyone! It’s been a few months since I’ve posted an update about what all I’ve been up to. The short answer is, a lot. As for a long answer… Life at USC has been wonderfully, delightfully hectic this past semester. As I said back in September: I believe that there […]


From Metropolis’ “The Year in Review“: Entrepreneurship is endemic to designers. They make things, and there are many things, from books to apps, from the quirkiest to the most mainstream, being created by designers who now see ways of marketing them directly to an audience through the Web. Unit Editions in London is on the […]
