Wherein our hero reports from the expo floor, remarking on the apparent state of computer graphics in Singapore.


Wherein our hero discovers that days spent in meetings and setting up show booths are bad for blogging.


Wherein our hero reports from one of the biggest, most impressive stretches of shopping space he’s ever seen.


Wherein our hero does his best iPod commercial impersonation while literally surrounded by Singaporean history.


Wherein our hero reveals his secret foodie nature and miraculously refrains from making a Dune joke.


Wherein our hero makes the boneheaded mistake of scaling a set of steps up a huge hill at around 11AM near the Earth’s equator. *cough, wheeze*


Wherein our increasingly-exhausted hero sets up camp at the hotel in Singapore, and reflects on what he’s learned in one bewilderingly long day of travel.


Wherein our hero reaches Singapore at last, and realizes that the key to creating an airport that feels welcoming, as opposed to industrial and cold, is a combination of color and foliage.


Wherein our hero reflects on the pug ugliness of Heathrow Airport’s new Terminal 5, which looks like the Airport That IKEA Built – and not in a good way.


A little context: I turned 31 on Saturday, at which point I promptly fled to country for Singapore. America is a country for the young, I decided. I will therefore leave it to its starlets and its High School Musicals.
No, actually I’m in Singapore to help shill for GAMBIT at SIGGRAPH Asia 2008, where I’ll be hanging out at the GAMBIT booth and telling people about the wonderous amounts of fun and hijinks that are to be had in our summer program. I’m also here to just get a sense of the place, which should be a huge help for my job in general. It was decidedly weird to go from celebrating 31 with Laura and my parents in Boston to jump on a plane and fly literally halfway around the world, but I have friends here that I’m hoping to meet up with ASAP so they can show me around.
One thing I’ve decided to try out, though, is using the video function of my Canon Elph SD890IS to videoblog this excursion. So far I’m finding out it has a sort of crappy microphone, but that’s not that surprising. The video above was grabbed while waiting for the plane from Boston to London to take off, and I’ll upload some more travel videos momentarily. Tomorrow: tourism!
Wish me luck!
