Geoffrey Long 2003
Learning to draw like Kubert.

One of the things I've been contemplating lately is how to start blending in some of these other narrative techniques into my storytelling. Interactivity, even simple illustrations, maybe doing a comic book or two. To that end, I've been doing more drawings of my characters from my novel, Bones of the Angel. There's a scene towards the end of the first 'act' where our heroes Michael and Pi charge into a house full of villains, guns blazing. Using the cover art from Ultimate X-Men Volume 2 by Andy Kubert as a reference, I created this:

Michael Coldman, guns blazing

It's funny how Michael is evolving visually. So far the art for him can be seen here and here. I'm going to have to create a subsection of the Bones of the Angel minisite just for artwork pretty soon now. At the very least, I need to start updating my illustration section of the portfolio – that is woefully out of date.

So many things I'd rather be doing than client work right now. Yeesh.

Posted to Writing Journal on May 3, 2004 | Comments (0)