Geoffrey Long
Geek Speaks: The Future of Comics

Geek Speaks: The Future of Comics (2014)

The challenge

Geek Speaks is a lecture series at USC that Henry Jenkins created for geekily-minded students, faculty, staff and other community members to get together and discuss, well, all things geeky. I had the pleasure of co-organizing the Fall 2014 event, which was on the Future of Comics.

The answer

The event began with a 1:1 talk between Henry and comics theorist Scott McCloud, about McCloud's "future of comics" book Reinventing Comics, almost 15 years on. What did he get right? What didn't he see coming? After that, I chaired a panel of respondents, which included Dan Burwen (Cognito Comics), Joe LeFavi (Quixotic Transmedia), Patrick Chappatte (New York Times International), Hank Kanalz (DC Comics) and Diana Williams (Lucasfilm). It was an amazing event, and the poster I designed for it attempted to capture just a taste of the joy, futurism and rampant geekiness that filled the evening.

The tools

The Geek Speaks: Future of Comics poster was produced using Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator, with samplings of art from multiple comics creators. The two central illustrations were from Scott McCloud (obviously) and Chandler Wood.



              Geek Speaks: The Future of Comics Futures of Entertainment 2 In Medias Res
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