Geoffrey Long

The Stage Femmes

The challenge

The Stage Femmes are a student feminist stage troupe at Kenyon College. During my senior year, they put on four shows: A Piece of My Heart, An American Daughter, A Night of One Acts and Three Viewings, and each needed a poster. In addition, the group also needed a logo that was both evocative of the group's attitude and not exclusionary.

The answer

The Femmes had a very limited budget, so the posters were printed either at CopyMax or the local Staples, and printed using laser printers and copy machines. This meant that simple designs and stark contrasts were the name of the game. The logo was similarly kept simple, not just for financial reasons: the dancing character, while very whimsical and unbound to symbolize the femmes' being free of sexism, is also androgynous to reflect the group's decidedly not anti-male attitude.

The tools

The poster for A Piece of My Heart, which was designed in close cooperation with the director of the play, was produced with Bryce and assembled in Photoshop and PageMaker. The graphics for the rest were done by hand and then translated into Illustrator files, and the posters were produced in PageMaker.



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